To streamline how you do business with First Connect Insurance Services, LLC, We provide Our Online Service and Communications electronically subject to your affirmative consent pursuant to this Electronic Transactions Agreement.

  • “Agreement” means this Electronic Transactions Agreement.
  • “Communications” means all records and information that We provide to you including, but not limited to, any that We are required to provide to you by law or as necessary or appropriate to administer your contract. These communications include, but are not limited to, commission statements, terms and conditions, transaction history, privacy policies, periodic billing statements, agreements, amendments, services, notices and disclosures about your relationship with Us.
  • “Online Service” means Our website, portal, lead platforms, any mobile applications, and associated links, services and Communications available through our website, portal and any mobile apps.
  • “We,” “Us,” and “Our” means First Connect Insurance Services LLC.
Your Agreement

We are required by law to provide certain disclosures to you regarding electronic transactions. In addition, We need your consent to enter into this and future transactions electronically and before We can deliver, or authorize the delivery of, certain documents to you electronically. Your consent to this Agreement is voluntary. Depending on your State’s laws, if you have interacted with us directly through a website or online portal, and We deliver the product(s) to you electronically, your consent to have all future Communications delivered to you electronically is presumed until and unless you withdraw your consent pursuant to this Agreement. We may revise this Agreement in accordance with applicable law and the modified terms will apply to your policy(ies), claims transactions, and any other transactions with Us, unless you withdraw your consent to this Agreement. Please read this Agreement carefully before giving consent.

By electronically signing this Agreement, you agree that:

  1. You have read, understand, and agree to be legally bound by the Agreement, and consent to receive all Communications from Us electronically according to the process described in this Agreement, unless and until you withdraw your consent in the manner described in this Agreement;
  2. Your use of a mouse or other device to select an item, button, icon or similar act, or to agree, acknowledge, consent, opt-in, or certify to this consent constitutes your signature, acceptance, and agreement as if manually signed by you in writing;
  3. Your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your handwritten signature and no certification authority or other third-party verification is necessary to validate your electronic signature;
  4. You are able to access and read this Agreement and Communications electronically;
  5. You are able to receive and read email messages sent to your email address of record;
  6. You are able to print or otherwise keep this Agreement and Communications for your own records;
  7. Your electronic device meets the system requirements necessary to print, store and receive documents electronically; and
  8. Certain documents to be delivered electronically will contain confidential information, information regarding your personal financial matters, and other personally identifiable information, and consent to the delivery these documents and information by electronic means. We will continue to send documents that are required to be mailed via U.S. Mail.
Scope of Communications to Be Provided in Electric Form

We may provide you with any Communication in electronic format. We will not send you a paper copy of Communications unless (i) you request it, (ii) We deem it appropriate to do so, (iii) you withdraw your consent as described below, or (iv) We are required by law to send paper copies of documents. You further acknowledge that We may authorize an agent to deliver certain Communications to you on Our behalf and perform other services to help facilitate the delivery of Communications to you. You agree that electronic delivery of Communications to you, rather than paper copies, does not affect the validity, legal effect or enforceability of these Communications, and you hereby waive applicable legal mailing periods to the extent permissible by law. You agree to the scope of Communications to be provided in electronic form.

Method of Providing Communications to You in Electronic Form

All Communications that We provide to you in electronic form will be provided by one or more of the following methods (to the extent permissible by law): (1) via email; (2) by access to a secure website or portal that We will generally designate in advance for such purpose; (3) online platforms created by Us in connection with our business; or (4) via text message or multimedia messaging service. With respect to text message and multimedia messaging service Communications, your carrier may charge you a fee for receiving the message. We will provide Communications in writing if required by law to do so. You agree to accept Communications via one of the three methods noted above.

How to Withdraw Consent

You may withdraw your consent to receive Communications that We provide to you in electronic form by calling Us at 1-877-287-6055, emailing Us at, or writing Us at First Connect Insurance Services LLC, Attn: Legal, P.O. Box 1463, Austin, Texas 78767. At Our option, We may treat your provision of an invalid email address, or the subsequent malfunction of a previously valid email address, as a withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic Communications. If We receive notice that your email address is invalid, We may contact you via US mail to send you the Communication(s) that was sent to the invalid email address and to confirm your email address. We will not impose any fee to process the withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic Communications. Any withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic Communications will be effective only after We have a reasonable period of time to process your withdrawal. Withdrawal of your consent to conduct business electronically does not affect the legal enforceability of any of your contracts including, but not limited to, those that were signed electronically.

How to Update Your Records

It is your responsibility to provide Us with a current, accurate, and complete email address, contact information, and other information related to this Agreement and your contract, and to maintain and update promptly any changes to this information. You can update your information through the agent portal, calling Us at 1-877-287-6055, emailing Us at, or writing Us at First Connect Insurance Services LLC, Attn: Legal, P.O. Box 1463 Austin, Texas 75767. Please do not send confidential information to Us via unencrypted email, as We cannot guarantee that the transmission will be secure.

Where permitted by law, if We send you an electronic Communication but you do not receive it because your email address is incorrect, out of date, blocked by your service provider, or you are otherwise unable to receive electronic Communications, We will nonetheless be deemed to have timely provided the Communication to you.

If you do not log into your First Connect account during a 12-month period or if we have reason to believe your email address is no longer valid, We will attempt to contact you by US mail to ensure that Our records contain accurate information.

Hardware and Software Requirements

In order to access, view and retain electronic Communications from Us, you must have:

  • An up-to-date Internet browser to access your Communications;
  • Electronic storage capacity to retain Communications or a printer to print them;
  • A valid email account and software to access it;
  • Added the domain and to your email account’s list of safe senders;
  • Software that enables you to view files in Portable Document Format (“PDF”);
  • An up-to-date electronic device (such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet) suitable for connecting to the Internet, checking your email, and opening or printing PDF documents.

Please note that We may provide you with changes to these hardware and software requirements in accordance with applicable law.